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Tafakur is the Arabic word for the “thinking process.”

This is a practice that requires the recruitment of all the thinking faculties attributed to the human being. A supreme mental gift bestowed by the Creator on Man, thus elevating Mankind over all other beings; our partners of life on Earth.

The Qur’anic text, while inviting reason to understand its verses, celebrates the process in more than one instance. Indeed!  Abundant in almost a thousand verses, is the Qur’an’s call to activate and practice the reasoning faculties endowed by God to man. By design, the Qur’an is singular in commanding its reader to think, ponder, contemplate, understand, consider and to reason as the most cherished way to apprehend its content.

Moreover the Qur’an invites its reader to look at and for, to hearken, to seek knowledge, to walk the Earth and fly over the horizons; wherever those might exist; inside ourselves or in the universe around us.

One of the most striking features of the Qur’anic text is that it takes pride into assuming a challenging status! For the deniers and the skeptics, the Qur’an welcomes a debate based on a textual and logical approach that adheres to its structure of reasoning backed by presenting evidence.

This is in effect a logical and scientific argument by nature.

The Book boasts a structural built-in system that asks its reader to participate by putting his/her thinking faculties into circulation, setting off a flow of associated ideas and thoughts to rightfully consider the value and appreciate the way of the Qur’an. In so doing the reader will be equipped to reach a desirable point of contact with the Qur’anic text.

Based on actual interviews and research processes, the meaning of the above argument has been reached by many who were either professed atheists or long-term skeptics. Curiously enough, they all shared a most distinctive point on their belief grid. Having run the Qur’anic text and methodology across their mental laboratories, their concluding statement is almost unanimous. They declared: “now we know and assert the divine origin of the Qur’an!”

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