
Documentary Film “In Her Orbit- Day In Day Out”

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Believe it or not! They claim our Earth is flat and square! In Her Orbit Day In, Day Out This is not a joke! Check the web please. You’ll stumble upon a website run by the Society for Flat and Stationary Earth! The Society represents a religious belief in ancient ideas proposed by Aristotle and […]

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Watch these Signs and Listen to these Voices! Signs & Voices

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The Signs and Voices documentary celebrates in an unprecedented testimonial fashion significant discoveries, made by scientists as well as ordinary people, while probing the scientific significance of a few verses in the Qur’an. All of them are virtually newcomers to the Qur’anic culture, but found themselves in their own words literally mesmerized to find such […]

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Ah! That Arabic Word! Hobok: The Cosmic Web

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In an ever expanding universe one question keeps ringing; how does the universe ‘hold’ its pieces together in such expansive formation? The answer is detailed by the scientists themselves in this enticing documentary. The Arabic word Al Hobok simply means the threads and filaments that hold firm a web or a texture. The Hobok: The […]

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A Colorful Re-issue of Documentary Film “Expanding Universe”

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What could have happened to the infant universe after being born? And what is happening now and will continue in the future? Expanding Universe is a documentary that examines theories proposing the pattern of motion of the celestial objects from the super clusters to the smallest galaxies. Edwin Hubble’s greatest discovery of an expanding universe […]

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