Text of the Documentary Film “The Great Split”

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Gates of Heaven-1

The Great Spilt


Go for main Engine start

We have main engine start

Two, One, booster ignition and a final liftoff of Discovery

The shuttle has cleared the tower

The production of this film has been made possible by a generous funding from

‘Bodoor Foundation’.

Discovery now making one last reach to stars using the stress on the shuttle as it goes supersonic.

Discovery Houston, you are go at throttle-up.

Discovery sensors are now throttling down as the orbiter passes through the area of maximum pressure.

Q minus16 seconds, Sound Suppression water system has been activated.

We have a go for main engine start

Q minus 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Booster ignition and liftoff of discovery hoisting harmony to the heavens and opening new gateways for international science. Discovery has cleared the tower.


Lift off! Lift off!


Indeed! To some people this is truly themoment of illumination’ in the story of modern science; a full rounded four dimensional moment that triggered, into an almost totally new dimension, man’s age-old quest for answers to a few existential questions. Where did we come from? How did this happen? And what is our destiny? Questions among many that persistently preoccupied our human race since time immemorial.


Ancient myths created by that quest were the outcome of many a civilization. Philosophers and early scientists, driven by human curiosity centuries ago, have had their fair share of search and research.


When darkness reigned, even before the advent of the Middle Ages, those mind expeditions were destined to gain new ground. For a few centuries a remarkable contribution was made to the birth of Modern Age.


But when the torch was about to die out, a few courageous men had ultimately managed, against all odds, to pick up the torch and eventually the pursuit for ‘scientific’ answers acquired a new momentum.


And over the last hundred years man’s quantum leap into almost all realms of knowledge has caused a close encounter to happen for the first time…on another world!

………………………………… …………………………………………….

O.K., engine stop . . .

We copy you down, Eagle.

Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed


It is a small step for man

A giant leap for mankind!



Since that defining moment mankind is still pushing the cosmic envelope into brave new dimensions of science, discovery….and imagination!


A free leap into space in an artist’s impression seems almost the only gateway to the heavens…a driving force behind Man’s burning desire to fly out and away to see and know his place in the Universe.  He is there now; overtaken by awe and wonder, trying to ascend through what seemed for long forbidding frontiers around those cosmic gates….the Gates of Heaven.


If We were to open for them

A gate into heaven

And they proceeded to ascend through it,

They would say:

Our eyes have been bedazzled.

Rather, we are a bewitched people.


Subtitle: (Gracious Qur’an)


The Biggest of the biggest secrets of nature is this most fundamental question: How did the universe come into being?


By the late 1940s there were two models describing the existence of the universe: one of the Ukrainian theoretical Physicist George Gamow’s Big Bang model claiming that the universe started by splitting an unbelievably tiny and dense mass about 14 billion years ago then it had been cooling and  inflating ever since. The other opposing model was that of the Steady State proposed by British Astronomer and Mathematician Fred Hoyle. His model is also known as the Infinite Universe Theory – no beginning and no ending. In Hoyle‘s universe there was no point of creation, and all matter had not been produced in a single moment in the past.  In fact, he believed that new matter was forming all the time.

Hoyle passionately believed that his theory would eventually be borne out by observation, whereas the Big Bang would not, and to his mind could not. Intending to belittle Gamow’s theory Hoyle jocularly called it the Big Bang! The name stuck!


Jim Al Khalili Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Surrey, England opened a 2010 lecture on the creation of the universe with these memorable lines: “In less than 100 years, science has performed a miracle. It had truly explained where we come from and was able to describe the entire 14 billion-year history of the cosmos. In the beginning was the Big Bang…BANG


Al Khalili continues: “That was an explosion of unimaginable power. In the following ten minutes in the searing heat, the nuclei of just two types of atom emerged, hydrogen and helium. For the next 300,000 years the universe expanded. At that point another cosmic chapter began. Individual atoms separated out from each other, and as they did this, they released light. It’s the remnants of this light that Radio Astronomers Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson picked up with their horn antenna in 1965. Then, millions of years after this, massive clouds of hydrogen coalesced into the first Stars. In here they began to fuse, producing starlight and eventually all the other types of atoms and tiny particles that exist in the universe today”.


Those massive clouds of gas and dust bring forth one sign in one Qur’anic Verse in one word: ‘smoke’…….Microsoft’s Encarta Encyclopedia defines ‘smoke as ‘cloud of tiny particles that rises up from something burning’.


Universal clouds are the matter by which the heavens and the earth came into form.

We read in Verse 11 Chapter 41:

Then He ‘God’ directed Himself

Toward the heaven,

While it was yet smoke.

Then He said to it,

And to the earth:

Come ‘into form’,


Or unwillingly!

They ‘both’ said:

We come willingly!



More proof of the Penzias and Wilson experiment on Cosmic Background Radiation, for which they were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1978, comes with COBE the Cosmic Background Explorer the satellite launched in 1989. Here is a map of the universe as it was 300,000 years after the primeval explosion. These spots are growing to be gigantic structures, 300 million light years across in our present age. So we have seen them before they were blown up and before they expanded with the universe.

Professor Al-Khalili follows up in another brilliant entry in August 2011 entitled “The Big Bang: Lost Horizons” saying:

It was the long awaited result. At last the variations and the background radiations had been found. A quarter of a century since Penzias and Wilson had heard the first echo of the Big Bang. But despite the COBE conclusive results, Fred Hoyle didn’t abandon his steady state model of the universe”.

Even once Hoyle loyalist notable British Physicist Dennis Sciama who defended the Steady State model for a long time had to abandon it in the wake of the discovery of the Cosmic Microwave Radiation in 1965. Sciama reportedly admitted that “The game is over! …..but not to a stubborn atheist Hoyle!

Jim continues:Hoyle kept the harsh opposition of the theory that he had inadvertently named. He went to his grave in 2001 still believing that his theory was correct and that the Big Bang was wrong. But the evidence was now stacked up against him”.

The fact that Hubble had observed in 1929 galaxias hurtling away from each other, meaning that our universe was expanding. That Penzias and Wilson had detected in 1965 the radiation left over from the primordial fireball. And that COBE had detected in 1989 ripples within this cosmic radiation.

Subtitle: Audio Robert Wilson, Radio Astronomer, Nobel 1978

“We live in a Big Bang universe and we were seeing the radiation from 300.000 years after the Big Bang…and in many cases where there is a paradigm shift in science it takes a generation until people really accept it…in this case I think the world is ready for it. Human societies have always worried about where they came from…there are religious stories in every civilization that had ever been found and I think we have the definitive answer that we came out of a Big Bang”.


And there is one more addition to these conclusive Big Bang proofs; the October 4, 2011 physics’ breakthrough of the Nobel winning discovery of the acceleration of the expanding universe.

Al Khalili concludes: “All this has provided overwhelming evidence for a universe created by a Big Bang”.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………..In its exclusive fashion of One Word enough to open wide more than one gate of research for the serious reflector, the Qur’an elegantly gives it all in abundance. In just two words revealed some 1400 years ago two extremely quintessential states of nature are described.

ratq’-One Mass is the first word of the beginning.

fatq’-Split is the second word of the happening.

Let’s read Verse 30 Chapter 21:

Have those who disbelieve

Not seen ‘by the knowledge they acquire’

That the heavens and the earth

Were conjoined in one ‘mass’,

Then We caused them to split

Subtitle: Gracious Qur’an



Officer Richard Varley is currently Chief Inspector at the Counter Terrorism Command in Metropolitan Police, New Scotland Yard in London. Besides his job he enjoys other passions.


Subtitles: Richard Varley, Association of Muslim Police, UK


Yes, I took A- level physics and I maintained my interest in physics even though I became a police officer and I love to use physics in my work on different investigations. So my passion in physics continues. My oldest son just received master in physics from Oxford University and he is doing a doctorate in Physics. We talk physics at home.


Valey’s first contact with the Qur’an wasn’t exactly planned!

“I never looked into it until the time of issues surrounding the “Satanic Verses”. My wife bought the novel for Christmas and I did not take any interest with it until the issue blew up over what Salman Rushdie said and the threats against him and burning of the books.

Out of interest I sought a Quran and I bought a copy of the Yusuf Ali’s translation of the Quran in Hamster from a bookshop and read it because I felt it was something I as a police officer needed to know more about because it was such a controversy and it was affecting relationships between the Muslims and the community.”

Subtitle: Richard Varley, Association of Muslim Police, UK


The Great SplitBig Bang Verse was one of three Verses in the Qur’an that turned Richard Varley’s life, in his own words, “downside up”!

“To me when I read it I immediately thought of the Big Bang theory and the formation of the universe. And I thought how strange it was to see something like that in a book which I bought with an open mind.”

Subtitle: Richard Varley, Association of Muslim Police, UK



And we are definitely coming to know more and more! We can even watch the creation of Nature’s fundamental laws and elements in a simulation in the blink of an eye; I mean in a second!


Physicists have amazingly succeeded in tracing back events that took place in the very First Second of the Universe after the Big Bang! That is the first second in the life of a universe that was only a second ago an enormously heavy and incredibly tiny mass.




Let’s now get ready to enter an un-trodden realm of the unimaginable in just two whole-science minutes. That calls for being readied to conceive of a few unbelievable digits mixed with some unfamiliar names of atomic particles. In short prepare yourselves, not for a little shock but rather for a big knock at one gate of heaven; a time-machine journey into our universe some 13.7 billion years ago! That is a deep peep into the unimaginably smaller-than-the-atom particle world to observe the workings of the chemistry of creation from which the universe and us eventually emerged.

For the tiniest increment of time that is possible to talk about, 10-43 that’s ten million trillion trillion trillionth of a second, the temperature was 10-32 that is hundred thousand billion billion billion degrees and the density down right indescribable. At that instance there was only one universal force and one type of elementary particle. But it wouldn’t last. At the end of this instance, gravity separated itself from the union.  At 10-35 that is a hundred million billion billion billionth of a second , the strong nuclear force exits the union as well and this triggers inflation at one ten-millionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second: the event where the universe instantaneously grows into size from tinnier than an atom to an unknown large size. This expansion and  subsequent cooling down to 1027 that is thousand million billion billion degrees allow 6 different types of quarks – up, down, charm, strange, top and bottom – to form. At 10-12 that is trillionth of a second and 10-15 that is thousand trillion degrees the weak force and electromagnetism separate and we have the four independent forces that we know today. At this point all 6 types of leptons – electron, neutrino, mu, mu-neutrino, tau, and tau-neutrino – have formed including the electron. At 10-6 that is millionth of a second, up and down quarks have formed protons and neutrons. All heavy quarks have decayed, all heavy leptons have decayed. All antimatter has disappeared. And by the time the universe is only one second old (time=1, temperature 10-9 that is a billion degrees) protons and neutrons are already getting together to form the lightest atomic nuclei”.

In this microcosm, lies the secrets of the macrocosm and from this very first second in the life of our universe an exciting journey had just begun.

In order to explore the miniscule world of particles and to establish the validity of a few current theories of physics, no less than 10 billion dollars have been allocated and it has taken a record 57 years to walk the distance! That is what the recreation of a massive event, inspired by the Big Bang itself, would take to get there.

If the atom is the key to the cosmos there is one place on planet Earth and one place only that would be ready and able to run scientific experiments to meet that end.

Subtitle: The Earth’s Coldest Spot

South Pole: -80C

The Galaxy’s Coldest Spot

Large Hadron Collider:-271C

The Hottest Spot in the Solar System

The Sun: 20 Million C

The Hottest Spot in Our Universe

Large Hadron Collider: 10 Million Billion C

The biggest technological Feat ever constructed

The Grandest complex of Electric Instruments ever assembled on Earth


CERN the European Center for Nuclear Research located at the Swiss-French borders was founded in 1954. It is a little village that employs just fewer than 2,400 full-time employees and workers, as well as nearly 8,000 scientists and engineers of more than 100 nationalities representing more than 600 universities and research facilities.

First borrow down 100 meters drill through the rock, until you have a 27km circular tunnel. In this scientific beehive Protons are going to fly around here so close to the speed of light that they go round this 27 km tunnel, 11000 times a second.



Welcome to the LHC, the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.

Subtitle: the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.

Subtitle: July 1982

That year the rendezvous was Paris and the topic on everyone’s lips was the CERN’s experiment. Among the 2000 or so participants was theorist Abdus Salaam:

“Really the machine builders are some of the people who should be highly praised. The people who had this idea of stochastic cooling which is an incredible achievement in such a short time. And then the people who are doing the experiments, the leaders of the groups and so on. It’s such a collective effort. I was privileged to see the UA1 detector being assembled and I must say I have never in my life ever seen such a technological marvel as this particular experiment. It really was absolutely incredible.”

Subtitle: Prof. Abdus Salaam, Nobel Laureate 1979


LHC is rightfully dubbed by particle physicist Brian Cox, the Professor at the University of Manchester, England the Big Bang Machine! He believes that “Physics now is stuck and the only thing left to do is to recreate the universe as it was a fraction of a second after the Big Bang, and that’s what the LHC‘s designed to do, to smash bits of matter together at energies never before achieved so we can stare at the face of creation”.


Physicist Jim Al Khalili describes the LHC in a few words: “It almost seems a paradox that the smaller the thing you seek, the bigger is the Instrument you need”.

In short, particle accelerators are hoped to provide mini Big Bangs; tiny examples of the original conditions under which all matter, even dark matter was formed.

This is a particle accelerator capable of creating the conditions less than a billionth of a second after the Big Bang itself. For the first time in the13.7 billion years of the history of the cosmos scientists will be able to see what Fred Hoyle claimed that they never could. They would effectively be able to get as close as they could to the moment of the creation.

Let’s read Verse 30 Chapter 21:

Have those who disbelieve

Not seen ‘by the knowledge they acquire’

That the heavens and the earth

Were conjoined in one ‘mass’,

Then We caused them to split

This moment in time, prompted by what Einstein discovered in his Special Relativity Theory more than one hundred years ago of the Energy Matter equation is teetering on the very brink of more scientific facts in 2012.

The Big Bang journey of discovery has just begun…..in a lab!


Subtitle: From US

Religion is not something that you should follow blindly. If you have questions, you should do research and find answers.

It is the uncorrupted way to worship God.

So I hope that insh’Allah you’ll find my web page helpful.

So assalamu alaikum wa barakatu and peace be upon you.




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