• BigImage1

The Great Split (aka The Big Bang) documentary sets out on a scientific path to examine the opposing scenarios of the raison d’etre of the existence of the universe. How the universe did come into being? An age-old question, isn’t it? Yet the first answers started to appear in the 20th century.
By the late 1940s there were two models describing the existence of the universe: one of the Ukrainian theoretical Physicist George Gamow’s Big Bang model claiming that the universe started by splitting an unbelievably tiny and dense mass about 14 billion years ago then it had been cooling and inflating ever since. The other opposing model was that of the Steady State proposed by British Astronomer and Mathematician Fred Hoyle. His model is also known as the Infinite Universe Theory — no beginning and no ending.
The film shows how the winning school came about to affect modern thought, while examining the biggest surprises of them all: the two Qur’anic words: One mass…Split by God’s will give it all. An inviting conclusion to reconsider the Qur’anic scientific signs and rethink.
The film comes in third in a 7-part series titled The Gates of Heaven.
Written, produced and directed by Farouq Abdul-Aziz.
Duration: approx. 30 min.
A M a n a r a Communications Ltd. release (2013). Funds generously provided by Bodoor Foundation of Kuwait.
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