
Not a Coincidence!…16/28

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A searing question! Moments of illumination! Not a Coincidence! One big question has always been ringing: How the universe came into being? By Coincidence or Design? Watch here one lead to the answer! This is a fresh scrutiny of certain Qur’anic verses under the light of science and reason. To watch more kindly visit: YouTube/AlfarouqChannel

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Meaning and Proof!…15/28

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That one word! Moments of illumination! Meaning and Proof How come that just One Word in a Book revealed 14 centuries ago signifies the way the cosmic web is solidified? Modern science has taken great strides to provide proof of a cosmic fortified structure. This is a fresh scrutiny of certain Qur’anic verses under the […]

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How Does the Universe Hold…14/28

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A universal question! Moments of illumination! How Does the Universe Hold? From Newton’s laws of Universal Motion and Gravitation of 1687 to Einstein’s General Relativity of 1916, the answer of this question had come of age. Both giants provide scientific proofs that still work. Watch how the Qur’an reveals in One Word a scientific sign […]

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Signs and Science…13/28

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Scientific methodology vs. Revelation! Moments of illumination! Signs and Science It has become a rather common knowledge to say that science and Qur’an have always been intertwined. Recent studies scrutinize the case. This is a fresh scrutiny of certain Qur’anic verses under the light of science and reason. To watch more kindly visit: YouTube/AlfarouqChannel

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