
Science Showed Them the Way…4/28

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When the mathematicians captured the moment! Moments of illumination! Science Showed Them the Way Mathematicians from US and Canada experienced a life changer once they came across a few Qur’anic verses inviting science and reason to explain their meaning and significance. Listen to these voices! This is a fresh scrutiny of certain Qur’anic verses under […]

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Other Voices Attest…3/28

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Young people are capturing the moment! Moments of illumination! Other Voices Attest More voices are overwhelmed by the existence of scientific signs in the Qur’an. Albeit they come from different backgrounds, their thoughts are streamlined in a joint moment of illumination. Interesting excerpts! This is a fresh scrutiny of certain Qur’anic verses under the light […]

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The Mathematician and the Qur’an…2/28

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He dreamt of debating Deedat, moments later he sat next to him! Moments of illumination! The Mathematician and the Qur’an Toronto University Mathematics professor Dr. Gary Miller had made it very clear in all his appearances that it was sheer respect of science and reason that he found in the Qur’an that got him convinced […]

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A Scientist’s Testimonial…1/28

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The moment of truth that showed the embryologist the Islam way! Moments of illumination! A Scientist’s Testimonial Embryologist prof. Keith L. Moore has astounded a crowd of participants in a 1981 conference on Qur’an and Science. After a powerhouse power point presentation of verses describing human development with extreme accuracy, his concluding statement made history! […]

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