
The Beginning…a New Proof…8/28

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Revisiting the beginning! Moments of illumination! The Beginning…a New Proof Fresh proofs keep coming in! The two Qur’anic words most revealing of the Big Bang theory (or what I call The Great Split) are revisited with new evidence. Watch to find out what! This is a fresh scrutiny of certain Qur’anic verses under the light […]

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Where Do We Come From?…7/28

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A fresh visit to the beginning! Moments of illumination! Where Do We Come From? One good question that branches out of the first ‘how’ of the beginning. Two words in a 14 century-old Book explain a scientifically proven answer: the story of the origin of the cosmic dust from which we are all made. This […]

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Smoke…Cosmic Dust…6/28

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Physics and dictionaries combine to explain this one word! Moments of illumination! Smoke…Cosmic Dust Who would have thought some 14 centuries ago that “one” word in one Qur’anic verse couldonly be explained today? The Arabic word ‘Dukhan’ indicates the nebular dust which forms a gaseous state. At some point it dominated the formation of the […]

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How Did Creation Begin?…5/28

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Watch what does this Nobel laureate has to say! Moments of illumination! How Did Creation Begin? An age old quest for an answer had significantly marked man’s history on Earth. Almost all cultures and religions have provided some answer, but were they scientifically acceptable? Watch how the Qur’an reveals, in just two words, a proven […]

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