
We Shall Show Them Our Signs in the Horizons…12/28

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Inside us and on the horizons! Moments of illumination! We Shall Show Them Our Signs in the Horizons This is a Godly promise that keeps delivering one sign after the other in the horizons around us and in ourselves. This Qur’anic verse attests to the paramount importance the divine text is attaching to the human […]

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Another Scientist’s Testimonial…11/28

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The Nobel laureate attests! Moments of illumination! Another Scientist’s Testimonial From Einstein (1916) to Hubble (1929) to Greene (20011) scientific statements endorse not only the concept of universal expansion but the acceleration of this expansion. Watch this! This is a fresh scrutiny of certain Qur’anic verses under the light of science and reason. To watch […]

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How Does the Universe Expand?…10/28

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First moments of universal existence! Moments of illumination! How Does the Universe Expand? It is extremely interesting to find out what happened in the very few minutes that followed the Big Bang (The Great Split). It is all summed up here! This is a fresh scrutiny of certain Qur’anic verses under the light of science […]

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Understanding Scientific Signs…9/28

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A mental exercise! Moments of illumination! Understanding Scientific Signs Are there any limitations to seeking science-related signs in verses from the Qur’an? How could we fathom,at the outset, the meaning and significance of a selected verse? Have a look at this approach! This is a fresh scrutiny of certain Qur’anic verses under the light of […]

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